Why You Should Be Using Argan Oil On Your Face

Did you know that argan oil is commonly referred to as ‘liquid gold’? Well you do now! Maybe it’s the oil’s golden colour that influenced the nickname, but it’s argan oil’s benefits for the skin that made it stick. Argan oil is probably one of the main ingredients in your favorite beauty products, go check. You must be wondering what it is that makes argan oil so great for the skin.

What Is Argan Oil?

Argan oil (Argania Spinosa) is extracted from the kernels of the argan tree, native to southwestern Morocco. Argan oil is suitable for all skin types as it’s not too heavy or too light. Not only is argan oil beneficial for the skin, its high level of vitamin E and fatty acids makes it beneficial for hair, nails and health. For centuries, Moroccan women have been extracting and using argan oil for beauty and health purposes.

What Are Argan Oil’s Benefits for The Skin?

Hydrates the Skin:

Here’s how to get rid of dry skin: slather some of our Lavender Freshness Facial Serum on your face. Simple as that! It is full of argan oil which is considered a dry oil that absorbs very quickly into the skin without leaving a greasy residue. Argan oil is deeply nourishing and keeps the skin soft and smooth. It’s rich in vitamin E and fatty acids that help relieve, repair and prevent skin dryness, itchiness and irritation. Using argan oil on the face soothes inflammation and promotes healing. The vitamin E in argan oil also works to lock in hydration and reduce moisture loss.

Treats Acne: 

Using oil to fight oil? It may sound strange, but we highly recommend it. But how does argan oil treat acne? Well, argan oil can control sebum production. The daily use of argan oil on the face results in a decrease of oil production, which prevents the skin from becoming too oily and prone to breakouts. Argan oil has a non-comedogenic rating of zero, which means it won’t clog pores. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can stop the formation of breakouts. The antioxidant properties found in argan oil remove acne scars by encouraging cell regeneration.

Protects from the Sun:

Let’s start off by saying that you should be wearing sunscreen everyday of the year. Don’t let the sun fool you, UV rays are always out to play. Using argan oil on the face protects skin from the sun’s harmful rays and free radicals. It shields UV rays from penetrating into the skin and prevents sunburns. The Alliance for Research on North Africa at the University of Tsukuba found that the antioxidant properties in argan oil benefit the skin by providing protection from sun damage and skin cancer.


We all want to be forever young and now we can with argan oil. Argan oil slows down the aging process by deeply nourishing the skin and promoting cell regeneration. The application and consumption of argan oil improves the skin’s ability to lock in hydration which visibly reduces signs of aging. The vitamin E and fatty acids in argan oil provide hydration which plumps up the skin and smoothes out fine lines. Its antioxidant properties help improve skin elasticity and diminish the appearance of wrinkles. The Research Team on Formulation and Biopharmacy at Mohammed V University proved that the application of argan oil enhances skin elasticity in postmenopausal women.

We find it amazing how something pure and natural like argan oil has so many skin care benefits. Which one surprised you the most? Let us know in the comments. Don’t forget to share this post so others know argan oil’s benefits for the skin.

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