Hala Dirawi’s Beauty Services


Eyebrows help define your face and highlights your best features. So it’s important that you take care of them and treat them well. We have all struggled with bad eyebrows in the past. Over-plucked and over-drawn eyebrows are now in the past. Come to a professional like me and I will turn your eyebrows from no to whoa with my eyebrow services. You will finally have the eyebrows you’ve been dreaming of. 


Let’s get your eyebrows into shape with eyebrow microblading!

Gone are the days of over-plucked and over-drawn eyebrows. I am a certified and licensed microblading artist that will bring wow to your brows.

Eyebrow microblading is a popular, semi-permanent procedure that will create flawless, natural looking eyebrows that last. Eyebrow microblading is an easy and relatively fast procedure that uses a microblading pen to achieve desired eyebrows. Using this hand-held pen, pigment is drawn into the top layers of the skin, creating light strokes that resemble natural eyebrow hairs. Eyebrow Microblading can be done to reshape, recolour, thicken and fill in eyebrows. 

An eyebrow microblading procedure is a process. The first step involves a consultation while the eyebrow area is sanitized and numbed. The desired look of eyebrows will be discussed and a pigment is chosen. Next, feather-like strokes are drawn into the skin with the microblade pen. The time it takes to perform this procedure varies from person to person. It can take 30 minutes to 2 hours or more. Once all the strokes are drawn into the eyebrow area, an aftercare treatment is applied to soothe and heal the skin. The eyebrow microblading procedure is now complete and it’s time to go flaunt them off!

You will be sent home with an aftercare kit to speed up the healing process. There are no serious side effects, however redness may occur directly after the procedure, but this will fade. Eyebrows will appear slightly darker than desired but this will also fade into the correct colour as they heal. Scabbing and discomfort is possible, but unlikely. Proper care for eyebrows must be done following the procedure to prevent infections from occurring. Aftercare lotion should be applied once a day and eyebrows should be kept away from water and sweat for the first week. Do not apply any products to the eyebrow area for at least a week. Beauty products that contain retinol should be avoided a week before the procedure and a month after the procedure to prevent fading. Sunscreen is mandatory and must be applied everyday to protect the eyebrow area from damage and fading. After the skin has finally healed, regular beauty routines can be continued.

After 4-6 weeks, a follow-up appointment is made to tweak the eyebrows and fix anything that may have healed too lightly. Additional touchups may be done if requested. However, this is not mandatory or necessary. The results of an eyebrow microblading procedure can last anywhere from 1-3 years, depending on age and skin type. The microblade pigment will fade more quickly on oily skin types.

Eyebrow microblading will put an end to daily eyebrow maintenance. In the long run, this procedure saves time, energy and money! No more time wasted perfecting and filling in eyebrows every morning, so go ahead and catch up on some sleep. No more worrying about eyebrows smudging, so go work up a sweat. Eyebrow microblading also saves money that was previously spent on eyebrow products.

Eyebrow Tattoo:

Achieve your brow goals with eyebrow tattooing!

Eyebrow tattooing is very similar to any typical tattooing. It’s a body modification procedure that is used to create permanent eyebrows. Eyebrow tattooing is done with a machine that uses tiny needles to puncture the skin and inject permanent ink. Eyebrow tattoos are ideal for those suffering from alopecia or thinning hair. Permanent eyebrow tattoos can create the illusion of fuller eyebrows and conceal patchiness. 

Eyebrow tattooing is a process. It begins with a consultation to explain the procedure and its permanent effects. Discussion will be made on the desired outcome of eyebrow shape and colour. Eyebrow tattoo shapes and colours will be shown. You will be asked to sign a form for health reasons and to ensure you’re aware that this is a permanent procedure. Once approval has been made. It’s time to start the procedure.

The procedure begins with measurements. The face and eyebrow shape will be measured accordingly. The desired eyebrow shape is then drawn onto the skin using a pencil to provide an example. A picture is taken and shown for seal of approval. If not fully satisfied, testing out different shapes can be done at this time. The eyebrow area is sanitized and numbed. Ink is then injected onto the skin with a machine and forms a permanent tattoo. The length of the eyebrow tattoo procedure depends on each person. It can range from 1-2 hours. Once the ink is permanently tattooed, an aftercare ointment is applied to help heal the skin.

The aftercare of eyebrow tattooing is extremely important. The healing time is determined by age and skin type. It will usually take 2 weeks for the skin to heal. A set of instructions will be given and expected to be followed to prevent infections, retain colour and heal the skin. The aftercare lotion will be sent home with you and should be applied everyday to the skin.  

Eyebrow tattoo colours may alter during the healing process but will revert once the healing process is finished. Redness and swelling may be experienced post procedure, but this is normal and will soon fade. Avoid blood thinning medications such as ibuprofen as this can lead to bleeding and scabbing. Don’t touch the eyebrow tattoo area as this can lead to bacterial infections. Don’t sweat or get the eyebrow tattoo area wet for the first 2 days. Sweat is full of salt and can lead to infections and changes in the colour the eyebrow tattoo. After 48 hours, eyebrow tattoos can be cleaned with water and a cotton pad. Stay out of direct sunlight while the eyebrow tattoo heals. Sun exposure can lead to damage and fading. Sunscreen can be applied 2 days after the procedure to help protect the eyebrow tattoo from the sun. 

The results of the initial eyebrow tattoo procedure will fade, so a follow-up appointment is necessary in order to keep eyebrows looking their best. The follow-up appointment will take place 4-6 weeks after the first eyebrow tattoo procedure. Eyebrows will be touched up and the decision to recolour or reshape the eyebrows will be made.


Start looking younger and more beautiful today with the eye services I offer. Eyes are the pillars of the face, so you must treat them well. Too much eye and eyelash products can lead to irritations and permanent damage. I can make your eyes sparkle with effective eye and eyelash services. If you’re fed up with apply eye makeup everyday, then come to me and we will have you waking up flawless and ready to take on the day.

Eyelash Extensions:

Light, camera, lashes.  

Eyelash extensions are a semi-permanent way to achieve flawless and weightless eyelashes. They can create fuller, thicker and longer eyelashes with little maintenance. Using a set of clean tweezers, eyelash extensions are manually glued on top of natural eyelashes one by one until the desired look is achieved. Eyelash extensions are fully customizable, the choice to have eyelashes appear more natural or dramatic is yours. They come in a variety of sizes, colours, lengthens and curls. The procedure is pain free and doesn’t do any damage to natural eyelashes.

A half set of eyelash extensions are ideal for those with light or thin eyelashes. Around 30-60 individual eyelash extensions are evenly dispersed on each eye. A half set offers a subtler, natural look that is less expensive than a full set of eyelash extensions. A full set of eyelash extensions are ideal for those who want to ditch mascara. A full set creates the appearance of voluminous and glamorous eyelashes. The amount of individual eyelash extensions is always different. The time it takes to apply a full set of eyelash extensions varies. A full set of eyelash extensions may take longer than a half set as more individual eyelashes are required. However, expect the procedure to take 1-2 hours.  

Before your eyelash extension appointment, thoroughly clean the eye area to remove all products that may be on eyelashes. Don’t wear contacts during the eyelash extension procedure and avoid curling eyelashes.

A consultation is mandatory for first time clients to determine the eyelash style that best suits you. All questions will be answered and recommendations will be given based on your face shape and the condition of your natural eyelashes. Any allergies should be mentioned and the eyelash adhesive ingredients will be provided to avoid a reaction. The decision between using synthetic mink or synthetic silk will be made as well as the desired lash length. The eyelash extension length can range from 6mm to 17mm. Once a customized eyelash style has been decided, the procedure can begin.  

The process is calming and luxurious, so sit back and relax as you receive your eyelash extensions. You will be asked to lie down on a bed with your eyes closed as the individual eyelash extensions are carefully attached to your natural eyelashes. It’s so relaxing, you may find yourself dozing off. All equipment used during the procedure is first sanitized as your health and safety are a top priority. The eye area is cleaned and a pad is placed under the eyes to cover the lower eyelashes. A sealant is applied to strengthen the bond of the adhesive and a small fan is used to ensure the adhesive is fully dry. The under eye pads are removed and you may open your eyes and fall in love with your new eyelashes.  

A small spoolie brush will be given to take home after your eyelash extension procedure. It’s necessary to gently brush eyelashes everyday to prevent tangles and to keep them separate. To help prevent tangles and friction, sleep on your back and invest in a satin pillowcase. 

In order for eyelash extensions to remain in perfect condition, following specific aftercare guidelines is necessary. For the first 24 hours after the eyelash extension procedure, don’t apply any kind of product to the eye and eyelash area. Don’t touch or get the eyelashes wet in order for the glue to completely dry. Avoid oil at all costs. After the first 24 hours, only use products that are oil-free including makeup, mascara, makeup remover, eyeliner, etcetera. Be sure to clean eyelash extensions after sweating to remove any oils that may weaken or break the adhesive bond. To prevent eyelash extensions from falling off, don’t use an eyelash curler. Don’t pull or rub eyelashes as this may cause eyelash extensions to fall out and may damage natural eyelashes. Avoid heat as eyelash extensions may clump together.

Semi permanent eyelash extensions can last anywhere between 4-8 weeks and will then begin to naturally fall out. To keep eyelashes looking flawless, eyelash extension refills are recommended. They done to replace extensions that have already fallen out. They can be scheduled every 2-4 weeks after the initial eyelash extension procedure. However, the longer you wait for a refill, the more eyelash extensions you will need to replace and the more it will cost. Waiting too long for a refill may require you to receive a completely new set of eyelash extensions. 

Semi-Permanent Eyeliner:

Make eyes pop with semi-permanent eyeliner.

Semi-permanent eyeliner is a safe cosmetic treatment that is meant to enhance and define eyes. The procedure is performed using a digital machine with an extremely thin needle. Pigment is released from the needle into the top layers of the skin.

There are two types of semi-permanent eyeliner styles to choose from. A tightline is a style that is more natural option. Pigment is drawn in between the layers of the eyelashes to darken the eyelash line and create a small but noticeable enhancement to the eyes. The pigment is much thinner to produce a more natural look. A classic eyeliner is a more dramatic style than a tightline. The semi-permanent pigment is drawn on top of the eyelash line to mimic the look of liquid eyeliner and help define eyes. Semi-permanent eyeliner is ideal for those who wear eyeliner on a daily basis and also for those who struggle with the application. 

Certain rules should be followed prior to the semi-permanent eyeliner procedure in order to ensure the best experience possible. Do not take any blood thinning medication 3 days before the procedure as they may potentially cause bleeding or excessive bleeding. As a precaution, remove eyelash extensions from one week before the semi-permanent eyeliner procedure. If they are not removed early enough, the eyelash adhesive can compromise the cosmetic pigment. Do not wear contact to the appointment or for several days after. A semi-permanent eyeliner procedure can cause eyes to swell and become sensitive. Purchase a pair of trendy eyeglasses in advance so you’re always looking fabulous!

The process begins with a consultation to go over the procedure and answer any questions. We will discuss and determine the eyeliner colour, shape and size that compliments your facial features. Any allergies or sensitivities should be mentioned and all potential side effects will be explained. All tools and equipment are sterilized for health and safety regulations. The eye area is sanitized and numbed with a topical anesthetic for maximum comfort. Measurements of your eyes are taken and the eyeliner is pre-drawn with a pencil. 

A micro pigmentation pen is used to draw pigment on top of the eyelash line. The pigment only reaches the top layers of the skin, so the colour will fade within 1-3 years. This enables you to change the colour and style of the eyeliner as you age. The length of the procedure depends on the thickness of the eyeliner pigment. It usually takes around one hour, but it still could take longer. 

Semi-permanent eyeliner is a 2 step process. The first procedure should take between 1-3 hours. You may see results after the first treatment, however a second procedure is needed to retouch the eyeliner and improve the pigment. The second procedure is scheduled 4-8 weeks after the first procedure. The time in between procedures is known as the healing period. With proper care, semi-permanent eyeliner can last around 1-3 years before the pigment begins to fade.

Once the application of the semi-permanent eyeliner is finished, the healing process begins. It will take around 7-10 days for the skin to heal. Do not wear makeup around the eye area for the first few days to prevent bacteria from spreading. As the eyeliner heals, scabbing may occur and should not be picked at or touched until it falls off. Avoid touching or rubbing eyes until the skin has completely healed. Semi-permanent eyeliner is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women due to potential and unknown risks. Those with any illnesses that affect their ability to fight off infections or heal the skin should avoid semi-permanent makeup. If you’re taking any medications, speak to a physician before receiving semi-permanent eyeliner as certain medications can interfere with the healing process of the procedure.


We all crave for shiny hair and luscious lips. Well now they are both possible to achieve with the beauty services I can offer you! Your lips are the most romantic feature of the face. As the years go on, lips lose their colour and shape, so let’s take good care of your lips to keep them looking bold and kissable. Your hair leaves a lasting impression, so it’s important to take care of it and make sure your hair is always on point. Improper hair care can lead to damaged hair or even hair loss, no one wants that!

Brazilian Hair Keratin and Protein Treatment:

Shiny hair is happy hair. With a Brazilian Hair Keratin and Protein Treatment, you’ll no longer have bad hair days.

A Brazilian Hair Keratin and Protein Treatment is a semi permanent smoothing technique that changes the structure of your hair. This is done by using a straightener to seal a liquid keratin formula into the hair. Keratin is a protein that is naturally found in hair and skin. Keratin helps to strengthen hair and prevent breakage. A lack of keratin in the hair results in dry and frizzy hair. A Brazilian Hair Keratin and Protein Treatment is meant to smooth hair by eliminating frizz, and adding shine. It’s also known as a Brazilian Blowout, BKT and Brazilian Hair Straightening. It’s suitable for all hair types and textures such as afro and colour-treated hair. A Brazilian Hair Keratin and Protein Treatment keeps hair voluminous and healthy. It’s not recommended for pregnant or nursing women. Hair that is already damaged should not and cannot receive this treatment. Hair must be able to withstand a 450-degree flat iron.

A Brazilian Hair Keratin and Protein Treatment is beneficial for those who live in hot climates, live busy lifestyles and have dry, frizzy hair. The Brazilian Hair Keratin and Protein Treatment cuts your morning beauty routine down drastically as it shortens the time it takes to blow dry hair by 60%. It fights frizz when humidity hits, keeping hair smooth and shiny. A Brazilian Hair Keratin and Protein Treatment may take 1-2 hours. The length of time the treatment takes depends on hair type and thickness. Before the procedure begins, a consultation will take place to discuss and determine your hair texture. The treatment will be customized to suit your hair, lifestyle and preference.

A Brazilian Hair Keratin and Protein Treatment begins with washing the hair more than once using shampoo to remove products and oils that reside in the hair. It’s important to make sure that the hair is as clean as possible for the treatment to work properly. The Brazilian Hair Keratin and Protein Treatment is then carefully applied to small sections of hair that is about 80% dry. The hair is then blow dried and straightened using high heat. The straightener locks the Brazilian Hair Keratin and Protein Treatment into the hair. It seals in moisture and protects the hair for damage. The treatment is then washed out and a conditioning mask is applied. Hair will again be blow dried. Once the Brazilian Hair Keratin and Protein Treatment is complete, the results will be instant. There is no waiting period and hair can be washed or styled in the same day. A Brazilian Hair Keratin and Protein Treatment uses protein from amino acids which allows the treatment to be washed out the same day. 

A Brazilian Hair Keratin and Protein Treatment can be personalized. The amount of product used can change the look of the final outcome. The heat is customizable, lower heat can be used to maintain volume and curls while reducing frizz. 

There are limited guidelines that are needed to be followed for a Brazilian Hair Keratin and Protein to last. Don’t use any shampoo or conditioner that contain sulfates or sodium chloride. These ingredients remove keratin from hair which dry out the hair and cause damage to the Brazilian Hair Keratin and Protein Treatment.

A Brazilian Hair Keratin and Protein Treatment can last for 3 months. Hair will return to its natural state but remain soft and healthy from the keratin. In order for hair to remain shiny and healthy, a Brazilian Hair Keratin and Protein Treatment must be done every few months.

Lebanese Hair Keratin and Protein:

Let’s make one thing straight… your hair!

A Lebanese Hair Keratin and Protein Treatment is a semi-permanent straightening technique that is done by locking a liquid keratin formula into the hair using a straightener. Keratin is a protein that is naturally found in hair and skin. Keratin helps to strengthen hair and prevent breakage. A lack of keratin in the hair results in dry and frizzy hair. A Lebanese Hair Keratin and Protein Treatment is meant to repair hair by eliminating frizz, adding shine and straightening hair.

A Lebanese Hair Keratin and Protein Treatment is ideal for very curly and coarse hair that needs taming. It’s not recommended for hair that is already straight or thin. The treatment removes the natural texture of hair, eliminating volume, frizz and curls. It may cause hair damage, split ends and breakage if hair is already straight. This treatment creates pin-straight locks that makes hair more manageable for curlier hair types. You still may receive a Lebanese Hair Keratin and Protein Treatment if you have coloured hair. 

A Lebanese Hair Keratin and Protein Treatment is beneficial for those who live in hot climates, live busy lifestyles and have coarse hair. The Lebanese Hair Keratin and Protein Treatment cuts your morning beauty routine down drastically as it shortens the time it takes to blow dry hair by 60%. It fights frizz when humidity hits, keeping hair smooth and shiny. A Lebanese Hair Keratin and Protein Treatment may take 2-4 hours, or even longer to complete. The length of time the treatment takes depends on hair type and thickness. 

A Lebanese Hair Keratin and Protein Treatment begins with cleansing the hair at least twice using shampoo to remove products and oils that reside in the hair. It’s important to make sure that the hair is as clean as possible for the treatment to work properly. The treatment is then carefully applied all over hair in small sections. The hair will need to sit in order for the hair keratin treatment to penetrate the hair strands. The length of time needed for the hair to sit differs, but expect to sit under a dryer for at least 15-30 minutes. So bring along your favourite book while you wait. The hair is then blow dried and straightened in small sections using high heat. The straightener seals the Lebanese Hair Keratin and Protein Treatment into the hair. It locks in moisture and protects the hair for damage.

In order for the hair treatment to set in, hair must not be washed for around 3 days after receiving treatment. Do not use any hair clips, bobby pins or elastic bands as these may ruin the straightening. Also, avoid placing hair behind ears. Do not use any shampoo or conditioner that contain sulfates or sodium chloride. These ingredients are drying and can damage the Lebanese Hair Keratin and Protein Treatment. To prevent hair from creasing, sleep on your back and use a satin pillowcase. Wash hair only 1-2 times a week so the treatment lasts longer. 

A Lebanese Hair Keratin and Protein Treatment can last anywhere between 3-5 months. Hair will return to its natural state but remain soft and shiny from the keratin. In order for hair to remain shiny and straight, the Lebanese Hair Keratin and Protein Treatment must be done every few months. 

Semi-Permanent Lips:

Kiss faded lips bye-bye and pucker up to semi-permanent lips!

Semi-permanent lip lining or lip tinting is a safe way to achieve luscious lips. It’s meant to enhance lips, not to fill them in. A semi-permanent lips procedure is performed using a digital machine with an extremely thin needle. Hypoallergenic pigment is released from the needle into the top layers of the skin. Pigment can produce a natural lip shade.

Semi-permanent lips are ideal for those living busy lives. The application of lipstick, liner and gloss is constant. It smears off after drinking, kissing, eating and even talking. Free yourself from this burden with semi-permanent lips. 

The process of a semi-permanent lip procedure will begin with a consultation to discuss the procedure and pigments. Lips will be examined and lip shades will be discussed. All questions will be answered and recommendations will be given based on your wishes. The choice to go for a natural look or a bold, dramatic look is yours. A custom lip shade will be created by blending pigments together. A health and consent form will be given before the procedure begins. The lips are then thoroughly cleaned and numbed. Lips will be shaped and filled in with a pencil to provide a base. Once you’re happy with the example, the semi-permanent lip procedure may begin.  

A micro pigmentation pen is used to penetrate pigment into the lips and create kissable lips. The pigment only reaches the top layer of the skin which means that the colour will fade within 1-3 years. This enables you to change the shade and shape of your lips as styles change. 

To achieve the best results, it’s crucial that you follow the aftercare guidelines. Everyone is different, but the healing period for semi-permanent lips is usually around 5-10 days. Lips will become dry and swollen after the procedure but this is normal and will fade. You’ll receive a special cream that you must apply to lips everyday to spread up the healing process. Lips will be tender and itchy following the semi-permanent lip procedure. For the first few days, lips will appear darker and will begin to scab. Scabs will start to peel about a week after the procedure. Once all the scabs have fallen off, the lip shade will be lighter than desired. As the skin heals, the lips will reach the expected lip shade.

A semi-permanent lip procedure is a process that requires at least 2 steps for quality results. The initial procedure should take between 1-3 hours. While many see results after the first treatment, a second procedure is required in order to maintain effectiveness. The second procedure is scheduled 4-8 weeks after the first procedure. The time in between procedures is known as the healing period. With proper care, semi-permanent lips can last up to 2 years.


Body Piercing:

Express yourself… with a body piercing! Let’s have some fun and decorate your body. 

Body piercing is a form of body modification and self-expression. Body piercing is a procedure that uses a needle or piercing gun to poke a hole through the skin and inserts jewelry. It can be placed in many different parts of the body such as the tongue or navel. Body piercing is done in a clean environment, using sanitized equipment. All equipment is sterilized and a single-use needle or gun is used to prevent infections. Sanitation will be done in front of you to demonstrate the high level of cleanliness. 

The process of a body piercing begins with a consultation. We will discuss types of jewelry and what metal best suits your skin. Options for jewelry include stainless steel, nickel, titanium, white, rose gold and more. Any allergies should be mentioned at this point. Nickel is a common skin allergy. Once the jewelry and body part have been chosen, the skin and jewelry will be sanitized.

Prepare yourself mentally for the piecing by taking some deep breaths. You may be excited, but you may also be nervous for the needle. Consider bringing along a friend for moral support and think happy thoughts. In order for your piercing to be just like you requested, it’s important to stay calm and patient. Tensing muscles can lead to unwanted mistakes. Let’s avoid this, shall we. Now that you are in a more relaxed state, (hopefully) the procedure can begin. The more relaxed you are, the more smoothly the piercing will be. The piercing gun or needle is then punctured straight through the skin.

Because body piercings are located in different areas all over the body, the healing process for each differentiates. An earlobe piercing may take 1-2 months to heal whereas cartilage piercing may take up to a year to completely heal. 

Specific aftercare guidelines will be given for a body piercing and must be properly followed. A special ointment will be provided and expected to be used until it’s finished and the area is fully healed. It’s recommended that the piercing is cleaned with soap and warm water twice a day. A small amount of blood may appear. You shouldn’t take any blood thinning medications prior to your body piercing appointment as this may cause excessive bleeding. 

The goal is to keep bacteria away from your body piercing while it’s healing. Avoid touching the pieced skin for a few days. The salt in your sweat may irritate the piercing, so avoid exercising and perspiration for the first couple days. Don’t go into a hot tub or swimming pool until the piercing has fully healed.  Avoid applying products over the piercing such as makeup. Do not wear tight fitting clothes as the piercing can rub against the clothing material and cause problems. Allow the body piercing to breathe and heal by wearing loose fitting clothes.  

While it’s uncommon to develop infections, it is possible. If an infection occurs, don’t remove the body piercing as this can cause the piercing to close. An abscess can form if the body piercing is removed. If minor infection develops, it can be treated with an antibiotic ointment that is massaged onto the area of the piercing. Applying a warm compress to the skin or soaking in sea salt can help to treat small infections. Continue to clean the area with the aftercare ointment and see a physician if infection becomes painful. Some body parts are also more prone to infections than others. This is because the skin that is being pierced is a different tissue type and the amount of pressure that is put onto it is also different. 

Non-Laser Tattoo Removal:

Life is full of regrets. Get a second chance with a non-laser tattoo removal. 

Non-laser tattoo removal is a safe and effective procedure that’s designed to remove semi-permanent pigment from the skin. It’s ideal for those who wish to remove cosmetic tattoos and is less painful than laser tattoo removal. Non-laser tattoo removal is a much safer alternative to laser tattoo removal as it doesn’t pose as big of a risk of hypopigmentation, blistering and scarring. 

Do not consume alcohol, ingest blood thinning medications or sun bath for 24 hours before the non-laser tattoo removal appointment. Before the procedure begins, a consultation is mandatory. Desired outcomes will be discussed as well as possible side effects. Everyone is different so it’s important to explain all the possibilities before going through with the non-laser tattoo removal procedure. The skin is sanitized and a topical anesthetic is applied prior to procedure for complete comfort. A stinging or tingling sensation may be experienced once the numbing cream has been applied to the skin. 

Non-laser tattoo removal is a treatment that uses the natural healing process of the body. It’s performed with a digital machine that uses a small needle to inject a saline solution into the skin. This draws the pigment out of the skin and a wound develops. It eventually dries up and forms a scab. The scab then falls off the skin, bringing the pigment with it. Once the scab is gone, aftercare lotion is applied to help heal the skin. 

The amount of treatments needed for full tattoo removal depends on the saturation of the tattoo and each person’s skin. 4-5 sessions are needed for those who want the tattoo to be completely removed while only 1-2 sessions are required for the tattoo to be faded and covered. Sessions must be scheduled 6-8 weeks apart from one another in order for the skin to heal. Don’t rush the healing process, patience is required as it may take a while for the pigment to be removed and for the skin to fully heal. Once the area has completely healed, a new tattoo can be put over the same area.

The aftercare of a non-laser tattoo removal procedure is extremely important as it will affect the next treatment and the final outcome. Improper aftercare may result in scarring or the inability to remove pigment. To prevent this from happening, avoid touching the affected area. Touching the area with fingers can spread bacteria that leads to infections. Aftercare lotion will be given to take home and should be applied once a day for 4 weeks. Resist picking or touching the scab as this can lead to permanent scarring. Allow the scab to fall off naturally. It’s normal to experience swelling and bleeding. The area may be tender for the first few days and scabs will start to form within the first 24 hours. Don’t expose the affected area to the sun. This may lead to scarring and irritation. Don’t get the area wet for the first week after the procedure. After the first week, gently cleanse the skin with a fragrance-free soap.

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